Friday, July 22, 2011

Studio Project: Class Pictures

A photographer known for her wonderful portraits of families and their children. took these photos of a pre-k class at the school's Book Fair. The school sold the photographs to parents at an auction to raise money for the school. 

Here are the 11"x14" prints mounted at the entrance to the school. The exhibition was a wonderful statement of the joy and energy of  the school and its young students.

Project: Set Up a Photo Booth

Have you ever thought of taking portrait photos of the kids in your class? Here's how: Mount a point-and-shoot camera on a tripod. Tape a piece of foamcore 24"x24" (approximately) to the wall at a child's height. Set up an inexpensive photographers light on a chair next to the camera. Pose children in front of the foamcore. Click away. You can photograph your friends at school, or at a birthday party, or photograph the entire family at your Thanksgiving dinner. Ask an adult to work as your assistant.

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